We're back at The Cape!!!

We got the rhythm going here--- Tim's softball is in full swing and the sailing season at Falmouth YC is up and running. Although both our sports have been effected by the weather--- we are each back with our respective groups and enjoying our friends! HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

Softball Update:

To find current softball games, go to the Softball Harwich tab at the top of the page.

This is a direct link to My Channel.  If you subscribe it might be easier to find.

Sailing Update:

Wine Knot has been out 3 times since the season began. Big winds or sometimes NO WIND has cramped our style a bit--- but yesterday was a great day with some good competition going around the course. We were happy to get a 3rd in the first race---- we're hoping the next 2 races will count as our throw outs for the season!!

Tim and Candy

Penfield Regatta in Flying Scots November 23 in Sarasota. We have the blue and green spinnaker.

M15 Fleet Winter 23--- Sarasota.

Our travel blog... No big trips since Ireland 2018 ~ But the blog tells our travel story all the back to 2010!

  The New Explorations! is up to date with pics and commentary from Ireland 2018!

Sailing in the Sonar Fleet Summer 23 in Falmouth on Wine Knot!! We got 3rd for the season!!

4th of July around the corner!

Last updated

July 5, 2024

  We do have lots of ADVENTURES--- just nothing on the scale of 2015-2018. In fact--- Travels with Tim & Toots" will soon be replacing the Falmouth Softball Page.